This is the perfect way to apply a color effect to several portraits as well as a blurred background! Save your favorite presets that you’ve created with Control Points, and then apply a similar style to a series of images-all while preserving a specific area in your photo. Add Control Points to your custom presets.It also provides quick access to all available tools and presets so you can concentrate on what’s most important-finding your very own style. The new interface of Nik Viveza and Nik Silver Efex is more modern, more appealing, and more functional. You May also like To Download: Adobe Photoshop Crack Nik Collection by DxO Free Download Key Features: New interface, even more, precise Control Points, and optimized tools for Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom: Nik Collection 4 helps your creativity reach even greater heights. Nik Collection by DxO Crack Even More Possibilities for Even Greater Creativity.